Y o u ' r e I n v i t e d
Join Sydney and Joshua, your hosts - who have not only both lived in Peru, but met and fell in love on the sacred land of "Tawantinsuyu". Join us on a ceremonial adventure both internally and externally. We will dive deep together among multiple wonders of the world, from the breathtaking horseback ride to the peaks of the Apu Ausangate to witnessing the majesty of Machu Picchu, well known as the greatest artistic, architectural and land use achievements in the world.
No matter what transition or chapter of life you are experiencing right now, the spirit of Ausangate invites you to set your intention for the future. Ask for the permission and blessing of the earth to fulfill your unique soul mission. This pilgrimage is one of initiation, new beginnings, new relationships, new endeavors, and even personal evolution.

T h e I t i n e r a r y
June 3rd - June 10th
Fly into Cusco Airport
Group Welcome Dinner in the San Blas District in Cusco
One night at Palacio del Inka, A Luxury Collection Hotel by Marriott
Breakfast & Exploring in Cusco
Head to Willka T'ika Retreat Center
Guided Welcome Tour of Chakra Gardens
Opening Cacao Ceremony and Live Music
Massages & Outdoor Floral Bath Under the Stars (Optional)
Morning Yoga and Meditation
Day Trip to Ollantaytambo
Machu Picchu Tour
Massages & Outdoor Floral Bath Under the Stars (Optional)

Morning Yoga and Meditation
Sweat Lodge or "Temazcal"
Fireside Song Circle
Massages & Outdoor Floral Bath Under the Stars (Optional)
Journey to Apu Ausungate for 2 Nights
Outdoor Yoga & Meditation
Natural Healing Hot Springs
Horseback Riding to the 7 Sacred Lakes
Wachuma Hike in Ausungate (Optional)
Traditional Peruvian Despacho Offering & Blessing Ceremony
Natural Healing Hot Springs
Outdoor Fire-Cooked Dinner in the Mountains
Aranwa Spa and Hotel for 1 Night
Luxury Bath House (to pamper ourselves at the end of our travels)
Massages (optional)
Celebratory Group Formal Dinner

Breakfast at Aranwa Spa and Hotel
Massages, Treatments, and Relaxation until flights
Transportation to the Airport (or choose to stay longer on your own!)
*Schedule is subject to slight change

Recap Videos
Past Retreats

L u x u r y R e t r e a t C e n t e r W i l l k a T ' i k a

Palacio Del Inka Luxury Collection Marriott

L u x u r y U n n o S p a Ho t e l A r a n w a

T h e P e o p l e of Ausangate
The communities that dwell on and around Ausangate live a pastoral lifestyle. They herd llamas and alpacas, and trade with farming villages at lower altitudes for their other needs. These people’s lives are closely interwoven with their animals and with each another. Locals continue to practice their ancient traditions, such as Andean weaving. Yarn spun from their own alpaca wool is hand-dyed with plants and minerals, and carefully woven on a backstrap loom. The textiles they weave feature ancient designs which symbolize everyday life, and the spiritual beliefs of the community.

Apu Ausangate and
A n d e a n T r a d i t i o n s
One of the most basic concepts of life in the high Andes communities is that of ayni. Often translated as “reciprocity,” ayni connotes an ever-shifting, dynamic balance in relationship. This give-and-take informs not only connections that exist among people, but also the bonds between humans and the natural world. It most especially applies to the bonds between people and Apu Ausangate.
Quechua communities that dwell on the mountain make offerings called k’intus to Apu Ausangate. The k’intu is offered as a sacrament to Apu Ausangate, to ensure his benevolent protection towards the people who dwell in his mighty presence. It is a symbol which reinforces their reciprocal bond. Coca leaves are the main ingredient of the k’intu. Spiritual elders of the villages, or misayoqs, say that the coca leaf is the favorite food of the Apus. To make a k’intu, three perfect coca leaves are held in the misayoq’s hand. The leaves are then infused with his breath. This places his intention for the well-being of the people into the offering.